Top Clean - Ametiszt Ruhatisztító
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Our Policy

November 1, 2019
1. We provide professional wet and dry cleaning in our cleaning units, per the following regulations: 2009. LXXVI (general regulation about providing services), 2008. XLVII (about the prohibition of unfair trading), 1997. CLV and 2013 V. (customer protection laws). The cleaning processes always happen according to the binding Hungarian regulations. When the customer is unsure about the best cleaning process for his/her items, our colleagues will decide based on their experience. Our company reserves the right to the usage of the mediated service. You can find all the offered cleaning processes and the prices in our shops.
2. We are not responsible for the damages based on the quality of the items and which cannot be recognized by our colleagues before cleaning, like hidden damages; not proper sewing, dyeing, printing; changing colors; and the damages from improper treatment in the past. We do not take responsibility for buttons, zippers, clips, foam rubber linings, and the items we left in the pockets. We are also not responsible for the damages caused by improper usage. We do not take responsibility for clothes which can be partially cleaned or not cleaned at all, contain not cleanable fabrics, or the label cannot be read or is missing. A label about the compounds of the item and cleaning symbols have to be found on the label, according to Regulation MSZ EN ISO 3758:2008. If the label is missing, we automatically clean the clothes with the gentlest method but do not take responsibility for the result. We need your approval in writing for this. This approval format states that we are not responsible for the result and that the customer approved the service despite this. Sometimes we ask for a higher price for extremely contaminated items, however, we will always inform you about this before we start the cleaning.
3. Although we always check the clothes thoroughly before cleaning, in some cases we cannot clean the clothes because, for example during cleaning we find out that it cannot be cleaned properly, or when the damages on the item were not visible before cleaning. In these cases, we reserve the right to rescind the contract, except if the customer permits to use another method recommended by us, however, we cannot take responsibility for your items. If we rescind the contract, we give you back your item (in the original form, if possible) and the fee of the cleaning. If you are not satisfied with your item after cleaning, we can offer you a one-time complimentary cleaning for your item. You have to give your approval in writing for this (on a report:” dog language”), but please note that the company will not take responsibility for the second cleaning.
4. After the examination of your items, and before the start of the cleaning process, you have to pay the cleaning fee in advance. You will get a worksheet and a bill – or if you requested it in advance, a VAT invoice. We cannot accept your request for a VAT invoice after you left the cashier. Before we start cleaning, you need to sign an approval form, which means that we make a contract. The contract condition mentioned above differs from what is stated in the Civil Code, which mentions that the fee needs to be paid when the contract is completed. The condition we offer can only be met if our company and the customer agree. If the customer agrees with our contract condition, he waive his lien, which he would get if the contract is violated. If the customer does not agree with the condition, our company has the right to refuse the cleaning of your clothes, since our company can choose their contracting partner as well. The cleaning ticket (detailed work sheet) contains the name of the company, the address, tax number, the date of the contract, the serial number of the items to be cleaned, the name of the items, the number of items to be cleaned, the date of the service, details about the quality of the items, notes and the price of the service.

5. To get your cleaned items you will need the detailed worksheet, receipt, ticket or delivery letter. We will take these and give you the cleaned clothes and a new working sheet. We give the clothes who can provide the documents mentioned above: our company does not check IDs. In case of a lost working sheet, we can only give the clothes in 7 business days, to whom can describe the items in detail and can show a valid ID card. Our company is not responsible if you lost your working sheet and someone got your clothes with it in 7 business days. The customer needs to pick up their cleaned clothes in a maximum of 3 weeks. If this does not happen and we do not know any personal details (name, address, phone number) about the customer, we have the right to give away the clothes to charity.
6. In case of a complaint the customer needs to notify our company firstly. You can write your complaint in the Customer’s book, which can be found in all of your stores. Our company has 30 days to investigate and answer the complaint. In the case of a verbal complaint, our company will immediately investigate it and make a report about it. If the complaint cannot be immediately investigated, we will notify you about the time we can answer it. You can also report your compliant at our headquarters (1112 Budapest, Ütköző street 6), via e-mail ( or call us (+3612275648). If we reject your complaint we will always notify you about the reasons. If you think that it was wrongly rejected, we will inform you about the organizations which can help if you wish to continue with your complaint. The decisions of the Arbitration Board are valid for both the customer and the company if they both signed a form about this at the beginning of the process. In the case of controversies about the clothing, we will ask an accredited forensic expert to analyze the item. Please always check your item when we give it back to you after cleaning. We will not accept any complaint regarding ironing or missing clothes after you have left our shop. Complains about cleaning can be issued after you got back your clothes, if you have the worksheet (containing information about your clothes) and the ticket with the number of the cleaning is still pinned into the item, and you can also show us the receipt about the cleaning. We will always make a report about your complaints. To prove the value of the damages we caused you to need to bring a receipt showing the price and the date of purchase of the original clothing. By the value of your clothes, we always mean the value before cleaning, not the value of the newly bought item.
If a company would like to get a refund, the law requires to keep the original receipt for 8 years. If the company cannot show this, we can assume that the items were cleaned more than 8 years ago.
Individuals are not required to keep their receipts, however we suggest you to keep your receipts for 2 years, since the warranty is valid for 2 years. If you do not have the original receipt (which cannot be replaced with a bank statement), our company will use the average value estimated by KSH (Central Statistical Institution).
Our company uses the scale of the German Drycleaner’s Association (Deutscher Textilreinigung Verband) to estimate the time of the aging of the fabric. This method is recommended by the Hungarian Drycleaner’s Association.
7. Fast cleaning (1 hour) can only be chosen for traditional cleaning for garments, on weekdays from the first hour after cleaning until the last full hour before closing. This offer is not valid for BIO CLEAN and extra gentle cleaning. Fast cleaning means that your clothes will be ready by the end of the next full hour. Your clothes will be ready in one business day if you have given in your clothes before pick-up time. You can collect your clothes on the next business day after it has been delivered back to our unit.
8. You can only use one discount coupon for the cleaning of one item (1 item=1 coupon).
9. Our company can only fulfill the regulations about the group of vulnerable (Regulation 2004 XXXIV) if you make a request about it and show valid documentation which can show eligibility.
10. We take responsibility for the cleaning in our shops, in the ways described in Regulation 2013 V. (Ptk.).
Budapest, November 1, 2019

TOP CLEAN Hungária Kft.
1112 Budapest, Ütköző sor 6.


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Cleaning shops

Allee dry cleaners
Budapest, Váli utca 3.

Campona dry cleaners
Budapest, Nagytétényi út 37-45.

Pólus dry cleaners
1152 Budapest, Szentmihályi út 131.
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