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a TOP CLEAN Ruhatisztító és Ametiszt ruhatisztító
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Média megjelenés dátum: 2020-11-05
Global Best Practices Awards 2020; Top Clean, GBPAP2020 Official Nominee RTC-B, received the Country Award!
GBPA 2020 Award Ceremony - 5 November 15.00 CET
Amsterdam, November 4 th and 5 th 2020 the ‘CINET Global Best Practices Awards’ were organized online at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, where Top Clean received Official GBPAP2020 Nomination and The Country Award, out of 120 official registered extraordinary Professional Textile Care (PTC) companies from 36 countries.
The awards function as a platform to highlight best practices in PTC and demonstrate the industry’s focus on a high standard of quality, new business models, innovation and sustainability. The independent International Jury appreciated Top Clean for their servicing concept focused on quality and organization to fulfill customers’ needs to the best of their abilities.
CINET, the international umbrella organization for Professional Textile Care (PTC) organized the Awards Program by inviting all members, relations and stakeholders worldwide to participate on this event by nominating extraordinary companies for the awards. Businesses were evaluated by the independent International GBPA 2020 jury, consisting of representatives from trade magazines, consultants and trade associations out of 20 countries within the PTC industry.
More information
For more information regarding the awards program please visit http://www.cinet-online.com/awards/ or contact:
Mr. Peter N. M. Wennekes,
Molenstraat 29
NL-4061 AB Ophemert
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 344 65 04 30

Média megjelenés dátum: 2014-10-20
Comité INternational de L'Entretien du Textile / www.cinet-online.com / LCN November Issue CINET page / LCN novemberi számában CINET oldal /

European Award of Excellence TOP CLEAN
CINET a "Legjobb európai textiltisztítási gyakorlatot megvalósítási" díj 2014-ben történt odaítélésével a Top Clean Hungaria Kft. részére.

Top Clean ruhatisztító a világ legjobb tisztítói között jelent meg 2018-ban The World of PTC (Profession Textile Care) 2. kötetében. CINET (Comité International de L'Entretien du Textile) globális világ hálózatán keresztül történő információcsere alapján az iparág meggyőződése, hogy az ipar globális szinten mintegy 50%-os növekedési lehetőséggel rendelkezik. A kiadvány az iparág világszintű innovációjával foglalkozik, a piaci fejleményekkel és innovatív üzleti modelljeivel mutatja be az iparágban aktívan tevékenykedő cégeket. A hivatkozott kiadvány 88-89. oldalán bemutatja, a tisztítok szakmai világ közössége a Top Clean ruhatisztító által eddig elért eredményeket.
37. Top Clean Hungary;
Market Areas Retail & Industrial
When Top Clean opened its first dry cleaning and laundry services location on the 9th of September 1994, there wasn't yet any dry cleaning market to speak of. The iron curtain had only been lifted about five years earlier and Top Clean's founders realised there was an opportunity to serve a need that existed in society. Supported by the practical experience of the largest dry cleaning franchise in the United States, with more than 60 years of experience in the industry, the Top Clean brand was launched in Hungary.
Ever since the foundation of the company, Top Clean has been looking for opportunities to improve its operations and benefit from the latest innovations. From the start, the company has been using solvents and other chemicals by a world-renowned and well-reputed German chemical company. By the spring of 1995, Top Clean was also the first company to completely adopt the BioClean method of dry cleaning, developed by two German suppliers, which was a revolutionary method in the textile care industry at the time. This didn't only represent an improved way of dry cleaning, but a much more environmental-friendly way as well.
As a matter of fact, corporate social responsibility is an area in which Top Clean stands out in Hungary. The company is always looking for ways to reduce the negative effects of its operations on its environment. The taken measures range from optimising the use of solvent and detergent to improving waste management and adopting modern.

The store front of one of Top Clean's locations in Hungary
„Thanks to a profound dedication to service quality and innovation, Top Clean has grown into one of Hungary's i leading textile providers in just 25 ye ars.”
recycling policies. This dedication to the environment and a greener future for everyone has also led to Top Clean being awarded the European Award for Best Practices in Dry Cleaning in 2014, awarded by CINET.
Leadership through innovation
From the opening of their very first location in Budapest, Hungary, to introducing the BioClean method of dry cleaning in Hungary and the adoption of far-reaching measures to build a more environmentally responsible company, Top Clean wants to lead the pack. When the joint-venture between German companies Miele and Kreussler pioneered the field of dry cleaning by inventing the process of professional wet cleaning, Top Clean was the first company in Hungary to integrate the process at all of its locations.
Professional wet cleaning is a water-based solvent system that can replace typical dry cleaning methods. Instead of dry cleaning fabrics, which is done with perchloroethylene, the system employed by Top Clean uses water and water-based solvents. None of the detergents that can be used during this process are flammable or toxic, so storage or shipping of these items does not require special attention. This represents an improved cost-efficiency for the company and a significant reduction of the company's negative impact on the environment.
On top of this, the company is also constantly searching for more efficient and environmental-friendly ways of recycling waste. By adopting the BioClean method of wet cleaning, Top Clean considerably reduced the amount of waste as a result of its operation, but it doesn't stop there. In terms of water consumption, for example, the company has invested in technologies that collect condensation that occurs during the cleaning activities and convert it into water that can be used during the next washing cycles. This way, Top Clean's water consumption was decreased by about 40%.
The complete dry cleaning and laundry service in Hungary
All cleaning services with the customer's convenience in mind
Top Clean's dedication to operational efficiency and environmental-friendly practices never compromise the quality of the services offered by the company. In 25 years, the company grew into an operation consisting of 22 dry cleaning and laundry shops, and another 33 collecting points, spread all over the country. This means that practically anyone, anywhere in Hungary, has a Top Clean location in their proximity.

A wet cleaning set-up at one of Top Clean 's locations
In addition to its wide-spread coverage, Top Clean also offers a wide array of textile care services at every location. From chemical cleaning and wet cleaning to the washing of home textile, and the cleaning and dying of leather and fur items, customers can count on high-quality services when working with Top Clean. The company can also professionally clean special items, like curtains or carpets, and the reparation of clothing and other textile items. This way, all customers know that they Can go to any Top Clean location with any type of textile-related issue they are experiencing.
To further improve the customer's convenience, Top Clean also offers express dry cleaning and laundry services of one or two hours, completely free of charge. A 24/7 service is available at each of the company's 33 collection points. At the end, everyone at Top Clean, from the management to the on-location staff, knows that the client is central to the company's success or failure. As a result, the quality of the offered services, as well as the friendliness and flexibility towards the customer are of international standards at Top Clean.
Beyond its retail services in the field of textile cleaning, Top Clean dynamically develops its activities targeting companies interested in providing similar services. Laundry and outwear cleaning services are offered to hotels, pensions, restaurants, pleasure boats, etc., including clothes of staff and guests, with door-to-door service withing Budapest. In addition, Top Clean offers cleaning services for offices (carpet and curtain cleaning and more) and service providers (cleaning of uniforms, such as visibility vests used in airports, motorcycle clothes etc.).
Top Clean is the sole representative of a world leading German supplier, selling its products on the Hungarian market to textile cleaners and processing service providers. In addition, cleaning service accessories, such as wire hangers or pants marker strips, are also availble for order.

The front of one of Top Clean's 24/7 collection points