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BIO CLEAN – Wet cleaning

The symbol of wet cleaning is nedves kezelésére vonatkozik and of laundering is the bucked filled with water (). BIO CLEAN was exclusively introduced in Hungary by TOP CLEAN.

BIO CLEAN – Cleaning service for wedding dresses

Our company has many years of experience with the cleaning of wedding dresses. We use BIO CLEAN to provide you the perfect white dress on your big day.

With the special chemicals we use and the sensitiveness of our machines, we assure you that all the sparkling gemstones and little details will stay on your dress. This way you will have an unforgettable appearance on one of the most important days in your life.

BIO CLEAN was founded in the beginning of the 1990s to provide:

  • cleaning without perchloroethylene
  • more convenient service for our customers
  • competitive offers
  • units closer to our customers
  • more varied services
BIO CLEAN was developed to be able to clean all kinds of garments from shirts to evening gowns. The carbohydrate solvent textile cleaning was introduced the same time as wet cleaning, so BIO CLEAN was not the only alternative for perchloroethylene cleaning. This led dry-cleaners to only use wet cleaning as an additional service. Instead, the combination of wet cleaning and KWL was used as the main alternative for dry cleaning. However, this was never the goal of wet cleaning: it was meant to be used as the main service.

Textile cleaning in water

Hygienic – delicate – health and environmental-friendly
We only use water for the cleaning of garments which can be cleaned at home. The textiles labeled with “P” and “F” can be wet cleaned. Knowing the experience we have, the development of the wet cleaning method, and the improvements of washing machines, dryers and other devices, we can claim the following:
  • Wet cleaning makes textiles cleaner, fresher and more hygienic, than any other cleaning method.
  • For silk, impregnated garments, synthetic, and combined fabrics wet cleaning is more efficient, delicate and less risky than traditional cleaning.
  • The delicate knitted garments made of wool, cashmere, and Lambswool can be cleaned better and with fewer risks with wet cleaning.
  • To wet clean suits, garments made of viscose and linen, delicate knitted and intensively colored silk garments we need professional knowledge and more sensitiveness.
  • It is more effective to clean cotton and combined textiles with wet cleaning.
  • Wet cleaning of trousers, skirts, dresses, and pullovers is as effective as dry cleaning; however, it is better to use dry cleaning for suits, blazers and cotton coats.
  • We need professional knowledge and we have to be careful to work with wet cleaning effectively. It is less risky to damage the clothes than with dry cleaning, moreover, it is more environmental-friendly and safer for our employees.
  • We use wet cleaning for the clothes what can be cleaned at home with delicate washing and hand washing. On your household machine please use the delicate cycle or wool cycle to clean these clothes, always under 60 °C.
  • Select the drying program which prevents over-drying (less, than 8% wetness).

What is the difference between wet cleaning and laundering?

  • We use washing machines with bigger drums for wet cleaning and the weight of the filling is 50% less.
  • Wet cleaning uses water as a solvent and only use chemicals to protect the textiles.
  • The mechanical effect is similar to the wool cycle of the traditional cleaning process.
  • Wet cleaning happens at 30 °C.
  • Wet cleaning machines can be used for both BIO CLEAN and dry cleaning; however, the opposite is not true. The textiles which have the nedves kezelésére vonatkozik symbol cannot be cleaned with the wool cycle of the traditional washing machines.
  • Wet cleaning machines have 4 filling holes and special speed control system, so they can be used for the cleaning of all kinds of garments.
  • The modern dryers used after wet cleaning reduce the risks of drying.
  • Bio textiles can be cleaned with wet cleaning. This method protects their colors, keeps them hypoallergic, and prevents them from losing their special characteristics.
The textile is affected by very low mechanical factors, therefore is protected from shrinking. The special chemicals protect the filaments from swelling which fixes the structure with a polymer layer. Drying happens in special drying machines on extreme speed.
In 1998 Aquacarb project was founded to prepare the W cleaning symbol to be the original symbol for wet cleaning. The W symbolizes the reduced mechanical effects, and the use of neutral detergents without ions in a programmed way. W guarantees that all kinds of garments can be cleaned with wet cleaning.

nedves kezelésére vonatkozik : This symbolizes the wet cleaning of the non-delicate clothes. The mechanical effects are similar to a delicate program.
nedves kezelésére vonatkozik : This symbolizes the wet cleaning of delicate textiles. The wet cleaning and drying are allowed until 15% of wetness.
nedves kezelésére vonatkozik : This symbolizes the wet cleaning of extremely delicate textiles. After the very delicate wet cleaning process the clothes are only softened in the machine, then dried with air.
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Cleaning shops

Allee dry cleaners
Budapest, Váli utca 3.

Campona dry cleaners
Budapest, Nagytétényi út 37-45.

Pólus dry cleaners
1152 Budapest, Szentmihályi út 131.
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