Top Clean - Ametiszt Ruhatisztító
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Special offers for frequent customers

Special offers

Cleanness for the holidays!
The cleaning of every 4th kilogram of curtain and blanket is free. 20% discount on the cleaning of ski suits.
Published by Cleaning - 1/12/2024

Seasonal offers (see below)

  • If you return 1 wire hanger you get a 100 HUF cleaning coupon¹
  • If you return 50 wire hangers we clean one outerwear item for free²

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Special offers for frequent customers
¹ Only one coupon can be exchanged for each item. The coupons cannot be converted into cash.
² Free of charge cleaning of one piece of outerwear item can be requested if you return 50 pieces of wire hangers. The following outerwear items are included: suits, trousers, blazers, skirts, miniskirts, blouses, sweaters, coats, tuxedos, dresses, jackets, jeans, pullovers, cashmere pullovers, overalls, shirts, vests, feather coats, leisure wear, spring coats, winter coats, wedding gowns, etc. The wire hangers cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used for leather and carpet cleaning or textile dyeing services.


TOP SERVICE Hungária Kft.

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Cleaning shops

Allee dry cleaners
Budapest, Váli utca 3.

Campona dry cleaners
Budapest, Nagytétényi út 37-45.

Pólus dry cleaners
1152 Budapest, Szentmihályi út 131.
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